Gauge Voting

Directing the flow of incentives on the Balancer protocol is possible by voting for specific gauges. Substantial secondary markets are developing, like Redacted Hidden Hand. This allows Aura Lockers to earn additional substantial rewards.

Read more about Balancer gauges here:

Gauge voting rules and information

  • Voting will be done via Snapshot.

  • Gauge weight votes will be bi-weekly, starting Thursdays at ~02:00 UTC and ending on Tuesdays 02:00 UTC.

  • Individual vlAURA holders may spread their votes among multiple pools in gauge weight votes.

  • Each gauge will have a hard cap of 50% of Aura's veBAL assigned to it. Overflow will be distributed to other pools in proportion to their vote weight.

  • Each gauge must receive at least 0.1% of the votes before weight is assigned.

  • Unevenly weighted gauges (i.e. non 50/50) will have a hard cap of 20%.

  • Gauges which substantially harm the Aura/Balancer ecosystem or that have been explicitly blacklisted by community proposals will be excluded from the list of options

Last updated